*COVID-19 Updates* New COVID-19 CDC Guidelines will be effective on Wednesday, September 22, 2021 for the Civic Center and Rec Center as set forth in Mayor Matthew Burke's Announcement (which you can view on the News page as well as the Mayor's page).* We will continue to monitor recommendations from the CDC, Ohio Department of Health and Governor Mike Dewine during this public health crisis.

Law Department


Timothy Riley, Director of Law

5407 Turney Road


216-475-1124 (fax)


Kevin Weiler, Assistant Law Director


Rose Puntel Shalek, Legal Administrative Assistant




Jeffrey Jerome, Chief Police Prosecutor, Assistant Director of Law  (jjerome@garfieldhts.org)

Joseph Morse, Assistant Police Prosecutor (jmorse@garfieldhts.org)


Lily Van Scyoc (lvanscyoc@garfieldhts.org)                                                                    

The Legal Department of the City of Garfield Heights is located on the second floor of the Civic Center. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. 


The Law Department functions as the "law firm" advising elected and appointed officials such as the Mayor, Council, Administrative Directors, Boards and Commissions.  it also prosecutes all criminal matters that occur in the City, working with law enforcement officers to ensure that justice is done.  The Department can be broken up into two categories:

    Prepare legislation requests, attend council meetings, special, committee and board meetings, prepare and negotiate contracts and agreements, represent the city in all litigation.                                                                                                                                                  

    The Prosecutor and Assistant Prosecutor handle all criminal matters that occur in the City, working with law enforcement officers to ensure that justice is done. Criminal matters include: felony cases which are processed through the Garfield Heights Municipal Court for final disposition in the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court and misdemeanor jury and non-jury trials handled in the City. In the past ten (10) years, due to major changes in the law, all cities have seen a tremendous increase in the number of misdemeanor cases, particularly driving while under the influence of alcohol and domestic violence. Thousands of cases pass through the Garfield Heights Municipal Court each year and all of them must be handled by the Law Department.



If you or someone you know is affected by domestic violence and in need of support, please contac the Domestic Violence Center at (216) 651-8484.


If you or someone you know is in need of protection, please contact the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas for a restraining order.  


Please contact the Legal Aid Society for legal advice (216) 687-1900.

For questions regarding how to file and what forms to use, please contact Garfield Heights Municipal Court at (216) 475-4885 or visit their website at 



You can visit, email or telephone the Law Department or the City Department from which you are requesting the records.  Make sure to clearly identify what record(s) you are seeking.  All requests should be made during normal business hours.  Fees may apply.  


If you are looking for an attorney or have legal questions, the Garfield Heights Law Department unfortunately cannot provide you with legal advice or legal assistance.  Therefore, please contact:

  • The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland (216) 687-1900

  • The Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association (216) 696-3525 for a referral



If my neighbor is causing problems, what can I do?
If one of the parties has broken the law, criminal charges may be warranted. If no infraction of the law occurred, the parties are advised to obtain independent counsel.

My spouse abuses me. What can I do?
First, and foremost, call the Police. The Law Department will follow up in appropriate cases with prosecution, which may also include a Temporary Protection Order.

If I am injured on City property or a city street, what should I do?
Make a Police report or make a report to the individual in charge of the facility in which you were injured. Additionally, obtain (2) quotes that specify the amount of damages suffered. Your claim will be processed through the Law Department and with the City’s insurance carrier.

If I have a question about an ordinance, what should I do?
Call the Law Department, and someone will assist you in finding an answer to your question.

If I have a question about a traffic ticket or citation I receive, whom do I call?                                                                                            Contact The Garfield Heights Municipal Court at 216-475-1900. 

If I witness a crime, whom do I call?
Call the Garfield Heights Police Department at once.

If I want to find out what legislation is coming up for a vote at the next council meeting, how do I check?
The agenda and proposed legislation for Council meetings are posted under City Council web page. 


The easiest way to fight crime is for all residents to be the eyes and ears of the police force in your neighborhood.